Work Permits
Need a Work Permit?
Working a job is very exciting. Earning money is important for so many reasons. Some of you may be helping your families, saving for college, saving to buy a car or simply earning money to buy your favorite snack. The Mira Loma Staff supports your work ethic but also emphasizes that school is your first job.
Balancing school and a job can be overwhelming at first. Please communicate with your employer which days and which hours you can work. Be honest with them when you are hired. You need to have time to study and sleep in order to be successful in school. Think and plan ahead on a calendar each week what your work hours are and when you will study for that big test, when you will write your paper, when you will meet with your group to get that project done. Congratulations on your job!
If a student is under 18, they must obtain a Work Permit in order to hold a job. In order to obtain a Work Permit, you must already have an employer that can complete and sign the application. The employer MUST provide their Workers Compensation Carrier name on the application. Take time to fill out the Work Permit Application correctly. Any incomplete work permit application will not be processed.
Do I qualify for a Work Permit?
To qualify for a Work Permit:
- You must have a 2.0 GPA. If you need to know your GPA, please ask the counseling office secretary.
- You do not have an "F" grade currently. Check Q for current grades
- You have been offered a job by an employer
- You must have a clear attendance 2 weeks prior to the Work Permit request
- You must maintain good attendance and a 2.0 without F's to keep your Work Permit
How to Apply
- High School Students are required to obtain a work permit to work a job.
- AFTER you are offered a job from an employer, fill out the Work Permit Application OR pick up a Work Permit Application on the front desk of the Attendance Office at Mira Loma.
- Fill out the Work Permit Application carefully and have your employer fill out their portion.
- Take the completed Work Permit Form to Ms. Jenny Devries in the Vice Principal's office before school, at break, at lunch or after school. Her email is if you have questions.
- Ms. Devries will have your Vice Principal check your attendance and grades.
- The Work Permit will be signed, and you will be notified to come pick it up from the Vice Principal's office.
- The process takes about 1 day.
- You turn your Work Permit into your employer.